70th Anniversary Celebration: October 22, 2016
University Club of Pasadena
175 North Oakland Avenue, Pasadena, CA
Social Hour: 11:00 AM
Music Entertainment and Luncheon Follows
Festivities Conclude: 2:00 PM
Our Speaker: Elizabeth Pomeroy
Her Subject: The Illustrious Glen Dawson, His Bookstore and Press
Glen Dawson: was a Founding Member of the Los Angeles Corral of Westerners seventy years ago in 1946 and served as our Sheriff in 1959. Dawson was a mountaineer, soldier, scholar, bookman, and publisher. He was a family man, a church archivist and a loyal comrade to book-lovers not just amongst Westerners International, but a legendary and revered figure to all California historians. A recent tribute declared “What a legacy! To accomplish half as much would fill a life for most people.” Elizabeth Pomeroy’s presentation on this outstanding Los Angeles corral paragon is a fond retrospective of his life and accomplishments. Highlights of Glen’s many activities and quotes from his own speaking and writing will shed light on his wonderfully productive, diverse, and very long life of 103 years. As our Corral celebrates its 70th Anniversary, it is entirely appropriate that we honor the memory of one of our most illustrious founding fathers.
Elizabeth Pomeroy: is a California native, with a remarkable array of advanced degrees from the finest universities of our land. Her Ph.D., in English, is from UCLA, her M.A. in English is from U.C. Berkeley, her M.A.T. (in the Teaching of English) is from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and her B.A., also in English, is from Stanford University. Dr. Pomeroy taught English in high schools and at Pasadena City College. She served on the Huntington Library staff for ten years, and is currently a School Board member of the Pasadena Unified School District. Her publications include literary studies and books on Southern California history and natural history. Among them are Lost and Found, Lost and Found II, John Muir: A Naturalist in Southern California, and Pasadena: A Natural History. Her most recent book is San Marino: A Centennial History, which received regional, state, and national awards for local history writing. In the year 2000 Elizabeth established Many Moons Press, which publishes works on California history and nature, including new editions of classics long out-of-print. She is a frequent speaker on becoming a grassroots historian. Her present writing project is a biography of Glen Dawson.
Brian Dervin Dillon, Ph.D.
Deputy Sheriff
Forthcoming Los Angeles Corral Presentations!
Oct. 22, 2016: Elizabeth Pomeroy
Glen Dawson, His Bookstore and Press (At our Bang-Up 70th Anniversary!)
Nov. 9, 2016: Matthew A. Boxt
The U.S. Naval Presence in Baja California, 1846-1909
Dec. 14, 2016: Alan & Claudia Heller
Curiosities of the California Desert: Historic, Offbeat, and Forgotten Attractions
Jan. 11, 2017: Brian Dervin Dillon
California and the Mexican Revolution
Feb. 8, 2017: Darryl Holter
This Land is Your Land: Woody Guthrie and California
Fellowship News: We congratulate Patrick Mulvey upon the completion of his two-year tenure as our Corral’s John Robinson Fellow. Many thanks, Patrick, for all of your hard work, cheerfulness, and camaraderie, and best wishes for success in all of your endeavors. Aaron Tate, our Gary Turner Fellow, has completed his first year and will continue to provide valiant service to our corral through September, 2017. Thanks, Aaron, for your steady hand, and wide smile, which brightens our monthly round-ups. Finally, we welcome our newest honoree, John Dillon, our Jerry Selmer Fellow for 2016-2018. John is presently teaching his first history course at Pierce College, while also working part-time for the Los Angeles Public Library. Our corral is proud to encourage all three of these fine young Fellows in their budding careers as historians: they will carry our mission and our traditions into the future.
Dinner Reservations: Our special 70th Anniversary Luncheon costs $50.00 per person. If you have not yet received your invitation, please contact Mr. James Macklin, Keeper of the Chips. In November, we will resume our usual monthly round-up dinners at $35.00 each. Please choose your entrée (beef, chicken, fish, or vegetarian) and make out your check to “Westerners, Los Angeles Corral,” or submit your payment by PayPal no later than one week before the roundup date. Walk-ins can be served, but entrée choices will be limited to what is on hand: the “late price” is $40.00. Mail your check to: Mr. James Macklin, Keeper of the Chips, 1221 Greenfield Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006-4148 (Contact him at jhmcpa@earthlink.net or (626) 446-6411). Late reservations or questions may also be addressed to Mr. James Shuttleworth, Registrar, Marks & Brands, via Email: jimpinxit@gmail.com, or by telephone (909) 595-6655.
PayPal Makes it Easy! Now you can put your money where your mouse is, and make your dinner selection and pay for it over the Internet. Just log onto our website (www.lawesterners.org) and go to the member’s tab. Click on the pay option, and follow the instructions. Mr. Joseph “Old Joe” Cavallo (626-372-5126) will gladly help you navigate on your initial PayPal voyage.
Que les vayan bién, compadres. . .arriba y adelante. . .y hasta pronto!