Loren Wendt
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Loren is continuing to write poetry and refining his magic.
NEEDS INFORMATION ON/FOR: Would like to hear from any Westerners who may be interested in his collection of western magazines, including True West, Frontier Times, and others. Some of these date back over 40 years!
RECENT PRESENTATIONS: He has written several articles for the Tombstone Epitaph, the Branding Iron, and others. In addition, many other articles have appeared in The Kansas Cowboy (where Loren is member #1159, known as the “Kansas Kid).
OTHER: Loren was born in Woodbine, KS and moved to Ontario, CA in 1941. He and his wife Betty were married in 1947 and they have 2 sons, 5 grandchildren, and 2 great-granddaughters. Loren worked for the Southern California Gas Company from 1947 to 1984 when he retired as District Manager for the Covina area. Since that time, he has held many other positions, some paid, some volunteer. He has also been named the “Honorary Mayor of Wrightwood!”