Corral Chips
Tell us what you have been doing lately. We have many talented members, both professional and enthusiasts that are doing great work regarding Western History. We should be proud! Tell us what you have been up to lately. We want to share it! Someone else may have something they can contribute, or a suggestion for you. Or just share your accomplishments, so we may congratulate you! As part of a vibrant Corral, we can support and encourage each other, build an “espirit de corps,” and enhance our membership experience in the Los Angeles Corral of Westerners.
As a member of Westerners, your Corral Chip information will be published in our quarterly academic publication, the Branding Iron. And it will be put here on our web site in the public area where search engines will pick it up and make it available on the worldwide web. By the way, if you are not a member yet, please click Join our Corral.
See what our members are currently working on!
If you would like to write out and mail in your Corral Chips form, click here for the Corral Chips form (.pdf). Mailing information is on the form.