SPECIAL OUTING: A Historic Trip Abroad a 1949 Railway Lounge Car – Los Angeles to Santa Barbara

Click here to see a write up and photos of this event.


A Historic Trip Aboard a 1949 Railway Car – Los Angeles to Santa Barbara

July 13, 2013

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Trip will include: Historic narration by car’s owner and other railroad historians covering the history of the car, the famous name trains it served, the history of the Coast Route upon which you will travel to Santa Barbara, plus customized food and drink service on-board in both directions.  Upon arrival in Santa Barbara, you will be escorted by an experienced guide on a tour of the local wine tasting rooms or feel free to do your own tour of this beautiful city.  Upon our return enjoy the sunset over the Pacific as you have dinner served to you in the style and comfort of a by-gone era!

Click here to see a write up and photos of this event.