Roundup: July 9, 2014
Almansor Court – 700 S. Almansor, Alhambra, CA.
Social Hour: 5:00 PM
Dinner: 6:00 PM
Speaker: Kiara Maria Vigil
Subject: Native Americans and Film and her first book “North American Indian Intellectuals and the American Imagination, 1880-1930”
Click here to view photos from the event.
Westerners has a special speaker this month! in collaboration with the Autry Museum. It will be an excellent talk regarding Native Americans and Film. Our 2014 Autry Fellow is Dr. Kiara Maria Vigil, an Assistant Professor of American Studies at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts. Her research and teaching has centered on Native American history and literature.
She is currently completing research for her first book, “North American Indian Intellectuals and the American Imagination, 1880-1930”, now under contract with Cambridge University Press.
Her time at the Autry has enabled her to research this project tentatively titled “Natives in Transit: Indian Entertainment, Urban Life, and Activism”, which builds on a study of Indian actors, beginning in the 1930s. Her book examines the cultural production of four prominent Indian intellectuals: Charles Eastman, Carolos Montezuma, Gertrude Bonnin, and Luther Standing Bear, within the shifiting social and political milieu of the early twentieth century.
Building on the research from her current book project, and specifically on material related to Luther Standing Bear’s career as a writer and film actor living in Los Angeles during the 1930s, Dr. Vigil’s talk will discuss the archival materials and other resources available at the Autry National Center that speak to the lives and cultural work of Native Americans in Southern California from the 1930s onward, thereby highlighting the social, economic and political ramifications of Native people as cultural workers in America.
We encourage you to use PayPal on the website to make your reservations and pay for your dinner(s). It is quick, easy to use and the way of the future.
Click here to view photos from the event.
Paul McClure
Deputy Sheriff