Living Legend No. 62 – Dr. Gary D. Turner
Gary Turner has been an active member of the Los Angeles Corral of WI since 1979. He has held leadership positions throughout his entire length of membership. Gary is an impressive speaker with a knack for humor and has presented many history programs for his Corral and many other organizations. Gary has also published numerous articles for the Corral quarterly publication, The Branding Iron. He is a cowboy poet, limerick dispenser, and book publisher. Gary, a native of Venice, California has a BA in History from Whittier College and was awarded a Ph.D. in Education, from the Claremont Graduate School. Gary has been a life-long educator teaching Social Studies and English. He has also served as an administrator and completed his education career as Principal of Verdugo Hills High School. In his youth, Gary studied classical piano and was a star high school and college football player. Gary and his wife, Vicki, have been passionate supporters of local football and have had the Verdugo Hills football stadium, Turner Field and Stadium, named in their honor. Dr. Turner and Vicki have traveled the world and have visited 15 foreign countries. Additional passions include grandkids, conservation, fishing and big game hunting – not to mention his vast knowledge of western history.
Thanks to Brian Dervin Dillon, Ph.D., 2017 Sheriff of the Los Angeles Corral of Westerners for his nomination.