Western History Association 2014 Conference
Newport Beach CA—October 15-18, 2014
On behalf of the Western History Association, my Local Arrangements co-chair Janet Fireman and I would like to invite our friends in the Los Angeles Corral of the Westerners to join us in Newport Beach this October for the 54th annual WHA conference. Attendees will not only be able to partake of panel sessions such as “Western Images in a Wider World” (sponsored by Westerners International), “Rediscovering Ramona,” and “Is There a Los Angeles School of Western History?” but also tours to San Luis Rey and Pala, Crystal Cove State Park and “Surf City” (Huntington Beach). Anyone with a passion for western history is welcome to join us (attendees do NOT have to be WHA members); further information about the full array of panel sessions, tours, receptions and other conference social events and accommodations may be found at our website: http://westernhistoryassociation.wildapricot.org/event-697688 which is maintained by the WHA Executive Director John Heaton, professor of history at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. And if any members of the LA Corral would like to inquire about opportunities to volunteer for the Local Arrangements Committee, they would be welcome to contact Janet Fireman and me at jfireman@nhm.org and pblodgett@huntington.org to express their interest and discuss their availability.
Peter J. Blodgett, Huntington Library pblodgett@huntington.org